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Winey Tasting Notes: Entwine Pinot Grigio and my Food Network Issues

It isn’t often that one of my favorite wineries pairs up with one of my favorite television networks, but when it does happen (OK, it’s happened exactly once and you’re reading about it now), the results are marvelous. Such is the case with Entwine Wines. They are a product of a partnership between Wente Vineyards…

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Winey Tasting Notes: Entwine Pinot Grigio and my Food Network Issues

It isn’t often that one of my favorite wineries pairs up with one of my favorite television networks, but when it does happen (OK, it’s happened exactly once and you’re reading about it now), the results are marvelous. Such is the case with Entwine Wines. They are a product of a partnership between Wente Vineyards…