The Answer to the Wine Glass Translation

So here is the photo that I asked you all to “translate”:

Here it is:
“8 oz by mouth three times daily as needed for stress”
That is one smart glass. 
You can find this adorable glass at:
2 Lollies on Etsy


  1. Wine and chocolate almost as good as love. Happy Valentine's Day. thanks for joining us on foodie friday.

  2. I think that translation would be well received here in Germany, seems like they drink it at least that much, stress or no stress 😉

  3. that is cute – I have a few friends that would love that glass!

  4. Very cute! I think I need one of those… or a few! LOL! #SITSBlogging

  5. How cute. I never would have figured that out. There are so many clever little things on Etsy! #SITSBlogging

  6. Very cute! I have a background in veterinary nursing and medical transcription, so I get it 🙂

  7. Anonymous says:

    This is cute !! I love your blog 🙂
    From Amanda @

  8. Love that glass and need one! It would certainly be used a lot around here – especially with the kids being out of school for snow so much this winter! Thank you for sharing!

  9. It's kind of addicting, isn't it? There are a lot of talented, creative folks out there!

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