Winey Tasting Notes: The Naughty Wine Name Series: La Bastarda Pinot Grigio

Now matter how furious you are with someone, if you curse them out in another language, it always sounds so much more sophisticated. Plus, if the intended recipient of your words doesn’t speak the language, you just might fool them entirely and impress them instead.

Unfortunately, I don’t think that’s going to happen with La Bastarda Pinot Grigio (Italy, 2010, 12.5%). It’s kind of obvious what you’re saying if you yell “La bastarda!” at someone. But hey, at least you’ll sound worldly and well educated, right? It’s made by Il Bastardo Winery, in Tuscany, so it comes from a long line of bastardos. I couldn’t resist that one.

La Bastarda is a very pale golden yellow color. It has an extremely light bouquet – almost hard to find. When you do, you’ll find some melon and some citrus rind. The taste is of sour apples and tangy minerals and again that a hint of citrus rind that gives it the tang. It tingles in your moth and is extremely crisp and lively.

This is a dry Pinot Grigio – there’s no getting around it. Despite the lack of bouquet, it did have a nice feel to it. It wasn’t watery, it had some legs on it. I think it would be a wonderful wine to drink with some ripe strawberries. And while I liked it, I didn’t LOVE it. But I didn’t feel like calling it a bastarda either, so if you are a dry white wine lover (don’t look for your buttery oaks in this one gang), you should give it a try. Plus, the label is so stinking funny that it would make a great gift for any number of occasions. As a gag gift you could bring to your brother in law’s birthday party. As a sympathy gift, it would work well with a recently divorced gal pal. Or you could send it to your ex boyfriend and if he’s really thick, he’ll think you’re sending him a nice bottle of wine!


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