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Winey Tasting Notes: The Naughty Wine Names Series: The Naked Grape

I have nothing against naked. I loved it when my kiddies were tots, shedding clothing (randomly – I worried a bit til I found out that WAS a toddler thing) and running through the house. My beloved dog is an avowed nudist. (I will never give up my fight to get her into her Halloween…

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Winey Tasting Notes: How about a Cupcake (cabernet sauvignon) with that Halloween Candy?

It is a well known fact in my house that certain Halloween candy will mysteriously disappear from my children’s stashes. I can’t tell you how many times I have heard, “Hey, where did that big Snickers bar go?” or “I had some Peppermint Patties, I know I did.” I say if you can’t keep track…

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Winey Tasting Notes: How about a Cupcake (cabernet sauvignon) with that Halloween Candy?

It is a well known fact in my house that certain Halloween candy will mysteriously disappear from my children’s stashes. I can’t tell you how many times I have heard, “Hey, where did that big Snickers bar go?” or “I had some Peppermint Patties, I know I did.” I say if you can’t keep track…

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Winey Tasting Notes: How about a Cupcake (cabernet sauvignon) with that Halloween Candy?

It is a well known fact in my house that certain Halloween candy will mysteriously disappear from my children’s stashes. I can’t tell you how many times I have heard, “Hey, where did that big Snickers bar go?” or “I had some Peppermint Patties, I know I did.” I say if you can’t keep track…